Art Quality Designs for the Serious Machine Embroiderer

Spring Spellbinder Cairo
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Access DownloadsAncient mysteries!
This mystery stitch vacation is about as exotic as it gets—tour Egypt! Ride a camel, sit by the lotus pool, and sail aboard a papyrus reed ship… all with King Tut as your guide. Each design, one through eight, takes a little over an hour; make a goal of completing one part each week and before you know it, you'll have a gorgeous finished project. Color charts provided with each week’s design feature a cute poem to keep you motivated and up to speed… complete photo finishing instructions are included at the end to make the pillow shown. 5x7 hoop required.
Just need a taste of Cairo? Designs are also available individually.
Ready to visit another city? Visit Spring Spellbinder London and Spring Spellbinder Paris!