Notion to Sew | Machine Embroidery Mug Rug
Notion to Sew | Machine Embroidery Mug Rug 2
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Notion to Sew | Machine Embroidery Mug Rug
Notion to Sew | Machine Embroidery Mug Rug 2

Notion to Sew Mug Rug


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Do you have a notion to sew?

A cute little ITH mug rug for your sewing room—that makes a great gift for a sewing friend as well! Customize with your own favorite colors and let your embroidery machine do the rest. Provided in two sizes for the 5x7 and 6x10 hoops. Complete photo instructions and a color chart included.

Expand your mug rug with our clever Border Widget Set!

Or expand your mug rugs with our clever Widget set!

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