Autumn's Bounty | Embroidery Mug Rug
Autumn's Bounty | Embroidery Mug Rug 2
Autumn's Bounty | Embroidery Mug Rug
Autumn's Bounty | Embroidery Mug Rug 2

Autumn's Bounty


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A wild turkey spreads its shiny plumes to full splendor at the edge of a field, while a farmer plants winter wheat under the mountains...

We are offering our Mug Rug of the Month designs in a square format to make traditional quilt blocks! Join us for the all-in-the-hoop or quilt-as-you-go method (both included) and have a gorgeous little Baltimore Album style miniature, completely quilted, at year's end... or use these gorgeous designs as singles for your own project idea. It's Block 11 of our series. 5”, 6”, 7” and 8” square sizes are included in this set. Make a single, fully quilted-in-the-hoop block, or join us for a larger project as shown!

Purchase all 12 quilt blocks in a set for a great value!  

All Series Three designs are also offered in a rectangular format for a mug rug or wall hanging, view Autumn's Bounty in rectangular format.