Easter Minute Mats | Embroidery Design Mug Rugs
Easter Minute Mats | Embroidery Design Mug Rugs 2
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Easter Minute Mats | Embroidery Design Mug Rugs
Easter Minute Mats | Embroidery Design Mug Rugs 2

Easter Minute Mats


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HOP to It Minute Mats!

Our Easter themed minute mat set is simply sensational-- and will stitch up faster than it takes to down a box of peeps! These trendy pop art designs are oh, sew easy to stitch all-in-the-hoop... make mug rugs, larger place mats, or use as giant appliques, in a variety of cute projects with this versatile collection.

5” x 7” or 6” x 10” size and complete color instructions and color charts included!

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