Art Quality Designs for the Serious Machine Embroiderer

Winter Sketchbook
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Introducing the newest addition to our "Sketchbook" series-- designs that take embroidery to new heights of realism and detail, and that challenge the limits of what home embroidery can be.
The "Winter Sketchbook" presents the season at its nostalgic best! This 13-piece collection has something for everyone; bird lovers, sports fans, or anyone with a happy memory of winter. Grab your mittens and pull on your skates, or zoom the Flexible Flyer down the hill. Catch a perfect snowflake on your tongue. The horse and sleigh will take you to your winter home at day's end for a warm fire and hot cocoa, of course!
All designs fit the 4" x 4" hoop. NOTE: Horse and sleigh are two separate designs and require knowledge of rehooping. They are also provided as one design in a 3"x 8" format for larger hoops.